Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is traditionally used to treat migraine and Arthritis. Traditionally used to treat Migraine and Arthritis.
Trials have shown that when feverfew is taken on a regular basis it helps to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. This product is a 1:3 tincture containing 35% alcohol. Do not take during pregnancy or with blood thinning drugs.
When the wife of a welsh doctor ended her 50 year history of migraine with a course of feverfew, a detailed scientific investigation of feverfew was begun, and clinical trials in Britain in the 1980’s demonstrated feverfew to be an effective treatment for migraine. Despite extensive research, the exact nature of its action is not yet understood, but one of its constituents, parthenolide, appears to inhibit the release of the hormone serotonin, which is thought to trigger migraine. It is important for it to be taken for atleast 6 months to judge the benefit.
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